Green Tea Polyphenols and Catechine

Came up this discussion about the downside of drinking too much Green Tea. Although drinking Green Tea Polyphenols and Catechine has the good benefit of anti-oxidants which helps to prevent cancer and fighting against free radicals. Drinking too much has side effects that are no good for the body.


Also to note that Catechine can be found in fruits and vegetables too.


In everything, there should be moderation. Neither too much nor too little. This world is in a state of equilibrium and so is your bodily function. Just like too much sugar is no good and too little is no good either.


Here is what they said if too much Polyphenols and Catechine is taken:

1. It will harm the liver and kidney: Liver is the main organ for our body to "detoxify" most chemicals, and kidney helps us to "release" partial wastes. Too much catechine would be toxic to liver and kidney and create burden to them.

2. It is hard to bowel: it slows down the bowel movement if too much/strong. However, strong tea can help people who have some diarrhoea issues. Try some concentrated pomegranate juice to help out this ailment. So it depend on each situation. When the wastes stay in the body for too long, it will become toxic. (This probably refers to black tea, coz strong Green Tea causes irritable bowel for me!)

3. Kidney stone.

4. Interacts with iron thus reducing the absorption, but if drank properly, it can be avoided.

(I wonder if it will affect the absorption of calcium too, since too much coffee would reduce the ability for calcium absorption.)


But I wonder how much is too much. I heard there are situations where they could get concentrated Green Tea to obtain the good antioxidant effects of Polyphenols and Catechine.


Anyhow, in just about anything moderation is key. We should neither abstain nor overly infuse ourselves with Green tea. Just like we should eat all kinds of vegetables to obtain the benefits of the bioflavonoid anti-oxidants and vegetable fibre and yet should not be completely vegetarian.  

Green Tea Polyphenols and Catechine

Came up this discussion about the downside of drinking too much Green Tea. Although drinking Green Tea Polyphenols and Catechine has the good benefit of anti-oxidants which helps to prevent cancer and fighting against free radicals. Drinking too much has side effects that are no good for the body.


Also to note that Catechine can be found in fruits and vegetables too.


In everything, there should be moderation. Neither too much nor too little. This world is in a state of equilibrium and so is your bodily function. Just like too much sugar is no good and too little is no good either.


Here is what they said if too much Polyphenols and Catechine is taken:

1. It will harm the liver and kidney: Liver is the main organ for our body to "detoxify" most chemicals, and kidney helps us to "release" partial wastes. Too much catechine would be toxic to liver and kidney and create burden to them.

2. It is hard to bowel: it slows down the bowel movement if too much/strong. However, strong tea can help people who have some diarrhoea issues. Try some concentrated pomegranate juice to help out this ailment. So it depend on each situation. When the wastes stay in the body for too long, it will become toxic. (This probably refers to black tea, coz strong Green Tea causes irritable bowel for me!)

3. Kidney stone.

4. Interacts with iron thus reducing the absorption, but if drank properly, it can be avoided.

(I wonder if it will affect the absorption of calcium too, since too much coffee would reduce the ability for calcium absorption.)


But I wonder how much is too much. I heard there are situations where they could get concentrated Green Tea to obtain the good antioxidant effects of Polyphenols and Catechine.


Anyhow, in just about anything moderation is key. We should neither abstain nor overly infuse ourselves with Green tea. Just like we should eat all kinds of vegetables to obtain the benefits of the bioflavonoid anti-oxidants and vegetable fibre and yet should not be completely vegetarian.  

Bertam Valley Road to Bentong

Received feedback from Alvin that he tried the new road from Bertam Valley to Bentong, Pahang / Kuala Lipis. I would have thought they would open the new road in August but looks like they have already open it. The road is still a little rough according to Alvin but he made it all the way to Bentong without any problem.

Excerpt from his comments as follows:

Interest route that you may like to know of. When I returned, I head to Pahang Bentong. Instead of going through the coming route, I took the road to Ringlet where I will head to Bertam Valley. This is a very very new road and it lead you to Raub and so on. This road comes with a very scenic view and farms, orang asli along the road side selling stuff. Oil plantation along Raub area. Few cars, of course due to new road, but interestingly is, it took me only about 2h45mins to reach Bentong town. One of the look out is don't drive too near to the road edge where I saw few road/land slides but they were already blocked it out. So relatively safe. I believed another 3 to 6 months time, the road will be 100% in operation. Highway nothing much to see but people who are adventurous can choose above path.

If it goes to Bentong, I think I can head all the way to Raub where my aunts are staying. Can take them to Cameron Highlands too without taking a big round from Batu Caves. Anyway that will be future trip planning to Cameron Highlands.

All quiet on the highlands front

To take the pun, "All quiet on the western front", well school holidays is over and most people is back to work so Cameron Highlands is having a little peace and quiet for now. Good for relaxing but not good for the people who are working the tourism industry in Cameron Highlands.

And yes, as for the Malaysia economy is not quite picking up as what the government says. That's propaganda for you. On paper or Malaysia news, they will say hey GDP is up and what's not and the fund allocation to spur the industry is spent and all that. Funny I get a different feedback from the people that I met.

Hari Ray Puasa is coming up but the food sales is not picking up as it should. My customer says that usually this time their sales will pick up for the food industry, so if they go down my sales go down.

My day job is varied and do meet interesting people from various industries. So the food industry is down, but other supporting industry is up. I get lots of inquiries for non-woven for various uses, and withing that sub-sub-category, there are sectors that up and sectors that are down. Still it is going well.

And as for the automotive, now that seems kinda slow. And I have customer that cry out for rescue coz protong is not picking up as it should be. Hmmm... can't really do much there. If raw material prices goes up but customer's customer not willing to let your price go up, soon they may end up in the red.

As for us lay people out in the market, working on this and that and trying to catch where the income comes so we can put food on the table, this is certainly mix signals in the market. Anyway, hopefully tourism do pickup as my buddies in Cameron Highlands and my website is depended on such arrivals to do well.

July look set to be slow. Also noted there isn't any public holiday to spur travel vacation domestically. Ah, Malaysian holidays are based on various ethnic calendars so it will never fall on the same date every year. You get bunches with months that have many public holidays and some like dessert waiting for rain.

I myself have been kept busy and trying to find the free time to update my website. Still got pages to add. Maybe the world cup is making the economy slow down. Productivity do goes down when people don't get enough sleep from watching some people kicking a ball around in a field. But that's the passion, and where there is passion that's where your heart lies.

I guess I rambling aimlessly here so better sign off till I have something better to blog about, especially information about Cameron Highlands which is what you guys are looking for, ain't it?

Hari Raya Puasa Malaysia holidays Coming Up

It is kinda early to blog about Hari Raya Puasa but this is one big Malaysia holidays festival. The other biggie is the Chinese New Year holidays. These two Malaysia holidays have to really watch out when you are planning for a trip to Cameron Highlands. If you are self drive you can have some measure of control over your transportation. But if you are without your own car and have to rely on public transportation like bus and coaches, then you have better think twice about your holiday planning that will clash with the above Malaysia holidays.

Hari Raya Puasa stalls selling delicious Malaysia food for breaking fast

I received a comment from a tourist in India who was planning to travel to Cameron Highlands on the eve of Hari Raya Puasa. Definately the bus and coaches would be fully booked if there was no prior arrangement made for a bus ticket booking.

He could try Kang Tours and Travel which run a private minivan service, but then again if their driver go on leave during that time (who knows? He may want to balik kampong!) then their minivan service would be disrupted too.

So the best is to avoid going during this period since logistic would be a big problem. Especially when almost the whole of Malaysia would be on the move. Hey, not just the Malays go balik kampong, the Chinese and Indians and various others would take the opportunity to do so too!

If he can, he should try to change his flight ticket and his hotel in Cameron Highlands booking to another period and avoid the clash with Malaysia holidays festival. Of course he is welcome to join in the mad rush fun!

Hari Raya Puasa is on 10 and 11 Sep 2010 (Friday and Saturday)

Kuala Lumpur becomes deserted during big Malaysia holidays festivals!