MATTA Fair 2010

There will be a MATTA travel fair from 12th-14th March 2010 at the PWTC Kuala Lumpur. Perhaps for those who are looking for some special cuti-cuti Malaysia travel holiday packages, you might want to check it out and see if you can find anything for Cameron Highlands.

In previous MATTA Fair I did come across some promotion for hotels like Lakehouse Cameron Highlands. Perhaps they might have something for YTL Cameron Highlands Resort too! These are very posh-posh high class hotel resort accommodation that I still haven't got a chance to give it try coz it is so expensive to stay per night. Perhaps during the MATTA there might be some special discount, who knows.

The last time I was at Lakehouse Cameron Highlands they have a 3D/2N package going for RM1200. Not sure whether they will have better pricing if at all having a booth in MATTA Fair, but a cheaper package would be nice.

Otherwise you could browse around and see if there any other packages for other Malaysian highlands like Berjaya Hill Colmar Tropical packages or Genting Highlands packages.

You never know till you brave the crowds in PWTC and see if you can hunt down some interesting bargain.

What? -- MATTA Fair 2010
Where? -- PWTC Kuala Lumpur
When? -- 12th(Fri)-14th (Sun) March 2010


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