Heritage Hotel view from Greenhill Apartment

Heritage Hotel view from Greenhill Apartment

Here's a nice view of Heritage Hotel from Greenhill Apartment. Due to lack of available rooms in hotel from the Heritage Vacation Club, we had to shift to Greenhill Apartment the next day to house a large number of family members.
Actually could have avoided all this hassle but due to miscommunication from my wife and my dad and the Heritage Vacation Club, the bookings became a mess. So no choice, wasted a night's stay of the Vacation Club points plus the hassle of having to shift all the luggage from hotel to apartment.
Well you, whenever a family group travel, and now with baby, the sheer number of items to bring for a trip is quite a bundle.
Anyway, this apartment got a nice view despite having to port all the stuffs 3 floors up! Fortunately many hands make work light.
Now the sky is getting balmy and slight drizzle, so our outdoor activities to the various attractions in Cameron Highlands may be hampered somewhat. Anyway, time for lunch soon, but first feed baby and then off we go!

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