Cameron Highlands Blog

Decided to change the Cameron Highlands blog look and feel a little bit. Well actually I was using the old HTML style, but would like to use the new Blogger layout to use those new features. Oh, well since I'm a one leg kick kinda guy, creating this Cameron Highlands travel website writing content, researching and photography, and of course doing web hosting maintenance and design and who knows what!

4x4 off road ride in Cameron Highlands passing by vegetable farms

Fortunately I know how to do it and have learned quite a fair bit ever since starting out on my website adventure. It has been a great long 5 years (how time flies!) and I have just renewed my expensive but very good SBI package. And yes, it has been growing steadily and I should believe it is one of the best website about Cameron Highlands judging from the heaps of compliments that I receive from my comments section. Drop me a line would ya?

Meanwhile, it is back to hacking my Cameron Highlands website, so I'll be kinda slow in the article writing department. Not withstanding my first baby was also born so looks like I'm going to be super busy!

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