Now may be a good time

Boh tea plantation

School holidays is over, traffic in the cities is back to a crawl with rush hour traffic a chore to grind through everyday. Well for those who traded one congestion of the cities to the congestion of Cameron Highlands resort, just too bad. I know, I know, your children cannot take time off from their school studies and you just have to schedule some cuti-cuti Malaysia during the school break, so happened everybody thinks the same and what have you? Voila! Traffic nightmare in the highlands. It can't be helped, the roads are narrow and can't be widened anymore to accommodate the tourist.

But wait! How about those of you who don't have a full nest or even those whose children has grown and left the nest? Yes, DINKS, and retirees, this will be the best time to head on over to Cameron Highlands for a REAL relaxing break. No maddening crowd. Perhaps just the two of you, have yourself a romantic dinner, hmmm, a romantic getaway vacation sounds just enticing, don't you think?

Now this would really be great!

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