Tours and Travel Agency in Cameron Highlands
so, here's the deal, give me some recommendation about best accomodation there for 26 pax and we will be headed there with our own bus. There were 16 adult(where 12 of them are guys and 4 of them are maid@women) and 10 child where 2 of the child are 4 years old and above and 8 of them are 4 years old below..we are planning to go cameron on 27,28 and 29 may 2011@this school holidays..please reply a.s.a.p... and email me the appropriate itineraries..
Wan Zamzuari Wan Mukhtar
Kerteh, Terengganu
Hello Wan Zamzuari.
Nope. I'm not travel company, but know a couple very well.
Enquire with them at:
1) Kang Tours and Travel =
2) Cameron Secrets @ Father's Guesthouse
Cameron Highlands Thieves
The shop owners were shocked. I'm shaking my head and wondering where this world is headed. Maybe they are taking their cue from the current ruling government, if you can get away with murder, then duit err... do it.
Look, shop owners are struggling to keep their business going. If you feel the price of goods is expensive it is not the shop owner's fault for charging so high. It is the way the economy works. The law of demand and supply; cause and effect. The higher price of petroleum leads to higher cost of production and transportation and raw material which in turns pushes up inflation which is the real thief of everyday person struggling to make their income stretch.
Two wrongs do not make a right. And the government is not doing anything to address the situation and people's real income has become smaller over the years. A graduate's pay 20 years ago and now is still the same or worst, smaller. So the fault lies with the government not doing enough to alleviate the people's situation.
Still that doesn't mean the lay person has to resort to curi-curi Malaysia. Hey this is cuti-cuti Malaysia not the other way round!
Taking a break at Desa Park City
My wife wanted to have a lookee see at some baby stuff at Desa Park City and later I need to get some grocery and Desa Park City got Max Value, a Jusco mini supermarket. So off we go with my mom-in-law and niece in tow. Niece is very happy to go for an outing, for a 2 year old she's been clamouring to go out just about every other day.
It was long wet ride finally arriving at Desa Park City. First thing first, a quickie coffee break, got the buy 1 free 1 using my Citibank clear credit card. I though wife want a drink too turn out she rather go shopping and I ended up with 2 large cup of coffee! Ugh, that was a little too much for me while I chilled out in Coffee Bean.
This place is nice, very upmarket and very much beyond my means to own a property here. My wife likes it very much too, but with a price tag like RM800,000 for a condo, RM2 million for a house, it is way beyond my means.
Besides, I'm planning for a property invesement where at least rental inccome must cover montly loan installament to eventually get a retirement fund going later when the loan is fully paid up. This upmartket area is not the right place for future investment. For living here that would be fine, but for investment, this would not be right.
Anyway, i'm feeling bloated and rather 'jelat' dring 2 cuppa coffee.
Sky is cloudy here. With many people having their evening stroll at the park, some with their little toy dog pets and young girls in their skinny jeans walking about. Nice place to hang out and watch the world go by. Baby likes it too. Head spinning left and right looking at sights.
Sitting here is just so comfortable. But time to get a moving!
Contacts already provided, please do your own legwork
Really how difficult it is to just pick up the telephone and dial the numbers on my Cameron Highlands website? I have already done all the tedious legwork of running around up there in Cameron Highlands sacrificing my leisure time (although I do enjoy the romp) to collect the accommodation contacts and then compiling it and posting it onto my website.
Take for instance the homestays contacts in Taman Sedia. I walked the entire neighbourhood noting down the owner's contact and telephone numbers listed in front of their houses. It took me an entire afternoon to do it. I don't have the time to knock at each homestay owner's door and then do further interviews like whether you got Astro, email account, can speak English or not, hot shower, room condition, how much to it cost to stay, got cats and pets or not, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah
Hello? I may know a lot of things about Cameron Highlands but I'm no walking encyclopaedia. Best way to find out is to pick up that telephone next to your desk or use your handy-dandy mobile phone, dial the number and find out from the horses' mouth!
Easy, yes?
Contacts for Homestay at Taman Sedia
Thanks for the information on your website on Cameron Highlands.
One thing caught my attention - Homestay at Taman Sedia. You've posted a list and their telephone numbers.
Do they have a email address and can they understand english if I call or write?
What I want to know is how much will it cost to stay for 3 nights for 2 persons.
What else would be provided besides accommodation? What to expect from this kind of stay?
Thank you for your assistance.
Ang CH
Dear Mr CH Ang,
Thanks for your message. Please call the listed numbers and ask them the questions that you posted here.
Thank you.
Hydroponics Training and Cultivation Farms in CH
Srinivasan Vadivelu
Sri Lanka
Dear Srinivasan,
I'm not sure what you mean by train in hydroponics, however there are farms in Cameron Highlands that cultivate using hydroponics. If you mean they teach, then not sure. Maybe you can contact MARDI, the research institute.
Tel: +605-4911255/5945
Cheapest Day Trip from Kuala Lumpur to CH to Penang
I am planning a day trip from Kuala Lumpur for one person. I am looking for the cheapest way to do this. Organisations tend to be expensive for single travellers and won't allow me to join someone else. Another possibility is to do a 2 day-tour and ending up in Penang.
What do you recommend? My compliments for this very informative site!
Best regards,
Casper Spiering
Dear Casper,
Usually tour companies are still the best and cheapest than doing it on your on. There are many tour companies in KL so look around for one suitable for you. That's what I would do. I have done this method in Bangkok, Melbourne, London, and it has worked well so far.
Backpackers Day Trip Tour to Brinchang
Thanks in advance for your advice & thanks for useful info in your link.
Boebie Brown
Dear Boebie Brown,
There is no day trip package to Brinchang. Just use a taxi to get there.
Thank you Jan.. However, we are budget backpackers so we would like to know how much we will pay for it or any public transportation provided.
Dear Brown,
It is possible to walk from Tanah Rata to Brinchang, how long it takes I have no idea as I usually drive. Driving takes about 5 minutes, so it might take about 30 minutes by walking (just a guess). Taxi cost RM25 per hour, can take up to 4 passengers (1 front, 3 rear) if you are plus size then only 2 rear or you can try to squeeze in! Or you can use the public bus but walking might get you there sooner than public bus!
Backpackers... so very likely you will be staying at Kang Travelodge, Father's Guesthouse, Cameronian Inn, Twinpines or 8 Mentigi. Check with them about tour packages with cheapest starting from RM60.
Thanks a heaps!
We will follow your suggestion.
Have a good day!
HSBC Smart Privileges Hotel Promotion 2011

Hotel De La Fern HSBC Promotion
Hotel Equatorial Cameron Highlands HSBC Promotion
If this is not your budget then look through my Cameron Highlands hotel list and take a pick at any of the hotels. Yep, there is so many and you wonder which ones to choose. I may not be able to look at all of them but did managed to look see some of them. Now all I need is to find time to post my findings. Wish I got more time to do it. With work getting busy, time getting scarce and bringing up baby and family to care, this travelogue website is going to take some humongous effort to get things going!
Meanwhile you may like to study the brochure which I pick out from HSBC Smart Privilege brochure by following the links above. Or if you prefer, you can head out to HSBC website and look through their e-brochure.
Hotel De La Ferns Cameron Highlands HSBC Promotion 2011

Hotel De La Ferns did admit their café restaurant service still need to be improved upon so let's hope this promotion which includes breakfast and steamboat dinner will live up to the improvement of F&B services.
As for the rooms, they are superb and probably charge a premium if comparing against other star rated hotels except YTL, Smokehouse and Lakehouse which are far more expensive. So you want nice and good, Hotel De La Ferns is the place. Location is great too! Just between Brinchang and Tanah Rata.
So study the HSBC Smart Privileges brochure which I extracted here and if you owned a HSBC credit card you can go for it if you feel the rates is within your budget for a Cameron Highlands vacation, right!
Equatorial Cameron Highlands HSBC Promotion 2011

I have stayed in Equatorial some years back with my wife and we certainly enjoyed our stay there saved for the rather slower maintenance / housekeeping service, in which they didn't seem to come to our room to fix up the faulty bathroom lights despite calling them so many times till finally the men came when we were about to check out. Hopefully you won't suffer any of that kind of nonsense while you stay there. This could happen in any Malaysian hotels not just here I suppose. Just a management issue. They did send an apology letter later. Hey this is a service industry and we need to compete against our neighbours like Thailand and Indonesia which I felt seem to give better hotel service when I travelled to those places. So buck up Malaysia Hotels!
Meanwhile study the promo which I extracted out from the HSBC newsletter for your perusal. Hope it meets your vacation budget!
Reliable Jungle Trekking Guides for Groups
Or is it not advisable to have so many? Thanks.
Yong Jian
Dear Yong Jian,
Please contact:
1) Cameron Secrets (Father's Guesthouse)
2) Kang Travel and Tours
Wedding Planners and Bridal Houses
Highlands. Thank you. I will getting married this December and we have a wedding in Cameron Highlands. Do you know anyone whom I can get in contact with in Camron Highlands for the wedding preparations? Thank you.
Anna Raj
Negeri Sembilan
Dear Anna,
Firstly, congratulations on your marriage!
As for wedding planners, I don't think there are any in CH.
Note: There are no wedding planners or bridal houses in Cameron Highlands. Basically this place is too small to have such kind of services. Most likely the nearest place would be from Ipoh City. Though for wedding reception dinner or lunch, you could contact the star rated hotels like YTL Cameron Highlands Resort, Equatorial CH, Strawberry Park Resort as they have halls large enough to accommodate a large number of people. While Lakehouse and Smokehouse hotel though very cosy can accommodate smaller groups.
Wholesalers and Exporters of Fresh Potatoes, Onion and Seasonal Fruits from Pakistan
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as wholesalers and exporters of Fresh Potatoes, Onion and Seasonal Fruits. Our motto is buyer’s satisfaction by quality, competitive prices and in-time delivery.
After receipt of your enquiry we will quote you our best CIF price.
Look forward to receive your response.
Thanks & regards
Syed Dilshad Ali
ZS Trading Corporation,
Karachi, Sindh
Oh, boy. Sorry I don't do trading of vegetables and farm produce. Perhaps anybody interested to import such produce from Pakistan?