Hotel De La Fern HSBC Promotion
Hotel Equatorial Cameron Highlands HSBC Promotion
If this is not your budget then look through my Cameron Highlands hotel list and take a pick at any of the hotels. Yep, there is so many and you wonder which ones to choose. I may not be able to look at all of them but did managed to look see some of them. Now all I need is to find time to post my findings. Wish I got more time to do it. With work getting busy, time getting scarce and bringing up baby and family to care, this travelogue website is going to take some humongous effort to get things going!
Meanwhile you may like to study the brochure which I pick out from HSBC Smart Privilege brochure by following the links above. Or if you prefer, you can head out to HSBC website and look through their e-brochure.
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