Happy New Year 2011!

Here's wishing everybody in the whole wide world:

A Happy New Year !!!

As the 2010 passes,
reflecting on events both good and bad,
forgive those who wrong us
and ask for forgiveness to those that we wronged;

may the world work together to bring good
though that may be wishful thinking
since there will always be self centered people
we will just have to tolerate with them
as we strive to better ourselves
give unto people who are struggling to better themselves

Reflecting what God has done for me in year 2010
I praise and thank God for all that has happened
And pray that 2011 will be an even better year
As we face old and new challenges

Wishing you all

A Happy New Year 2011 !!!

Happy New Year 2011!

Here's wishing everybody in the whole wide world:

A Happy New Year !!!

As the 2010 passes,
reflecting on events both good and bad,
forgive those who wrong us
and ask for forgiveness to those that we wronged;

may the world work together to bring good
though that may be wishful thinking
since there will always be self centered people
we will just have to tolerate with them
as we strive to better ourselves
give unto people who are struggling to better themselves

Reflecting what God has done for me in year 2010
I praise and thank God for all that has happened
And pray that 2011 will be an even better year
As we face old and new challenges

Wishing you all

A Happy New Year 2011 !!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This is the day Jesus Christ was born, to bring light to the world, to bring hope and a new life to those who accepts Him.

May God bring you peace, prosperity in abundance, health and everlasting joy for the coming year!

God bless you all!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This is the day Jesus Christ was born, to bring light to the world, to bring hope and a new life to those who accepts Him.

May God bring you peace, prosperity in abundance, health and everlasting joy for the coming year!

God bless you all!


Bus tragedy in Simpang Pulai Cameron Highlands road

This bus tragedy at the Simpang Pulai Cameron Highlands road is really sad and shocking. Woke up to see this big news splattered on the front page of Star newspaper. With so many people dead and injured, it is truly unfortunate. It should have been a merry making time enjoying the sights and sound of the highlands but now those that survive can only carry the grim memory of the mishap.


Although the Simpang Pulai route to Cameron Highlands and wider and smoother to drive there is indeed a risk as you could end up being complacent with your driving. Do note that this is still a highland driving and the road is not straight and there are various degrees of gradient which will create different momentum when going downhill.


For most careful drivers, going at a slower pace is a wise decision (but not too slow please). A 70kph is good a speed for safe driving. Any slower you end up like snail and pose a danger to other faster moving vehicles by way of them hitting you or trying to overtake you at inappropriate places.


Going down too fast would has a higher risk of losing control of your vehicle and they most often occurs at road bends, especially where the curvature of the road is at a greater angle. The torque would pull your car to wider circumference and you would end up crossing to the opposite lane if there is no divider, or as per the tragedy, hitting the road divider.


Even skilled drivers may make mistakes, and an impatient or angry driver are the most dangerous drivers not only putting themselves to risk but also endangering other road users as well.


So to all you drivers out there, good and less skilled, drive carefully! Speed kills. So do keep calm and keep your heads cool, and of course head of to Cameron Highlands to cool down further for this yearend holiday season and come home alive to tell your family and friends about this wonderful Malaysia holiday travel destination.

Bus tragedy in Simpang Pulai Cameron Highlands road

This bus tragedy at the Simpang Pulai Cameron Highlands road is really sad and shocking. Woke up to see this big news splattered on the front page of Star newspaper. With so many people dead and injured, it is truly unfortunate. It should have been a merry making time enjoying the sights and sound of the highlands but now those that survive can only carry the grim memory of the mishap.


Although the Simpang Pulai route to Cameron Highlands and wider and smoother to drive there is indeed a risk as you could end up being complacent with your driving. Do note that this is still a highland driving and the road is not straight and there are various degrees of gradient which will create different momentum when going downhill.


For most careful drivers, going at a slower pace is a wise decision (but not too slow please). A 70kph is good a speed for safe driving. Any slower you end up like snail and pose a danger to other faster moving vehicles by way of them hitting you or trying to overtake you at inappropriate places.


Going down too fast would has a higher risk of losing control of your vehicle and they most often occurs at road bends, especially where the curvature of the road is at a greater angle. The torque would pull your car to wider circumference and you would end up crossing to the opposite lane if there is no divider, or as per the tragedy, hitting the road divider.


Even skilled drivers may make mistakes, and an impatient or angry driver are the most dangerous drivers not only putting themselves to risk but also endangering other road users as well.


So to all you drivers out there, good and less skilled, drive carefully! Speed kills. So do keep calm and keep your heads cool, and of course head of to Cameron Highlands to cool down further for this yearend holiday season and come home alive to tell your family and friends about this wonderful Malaysia holiday travel destination.

Ipoh to Cameron Highlands

Travel to Ipoh then to Cameron Highlands anyone? Well it is entirely possible as Ipoh is close proximity to Cameron Highlands. Actually Simpang Pulai is already almost to Ipoh and thus from Ipoh to zip up to Cameron Highlands just takes one and half hour.

So you can do some Ipoh tourism and then hop over to the Malaysian highlands for some cool time!

And what can you do in Ipoh?

Basically Ipoh is fame for its various gastronimical offering. Well that's my impression about Ipoh. Although if I do a little research I'm sure I can find interesting things to do in Ipoh apart from all those delicious offering.

Anyway until such wish you all happy holidays!

Geen Tea

Green tea has increasingly become a very popular drink worldwide because of its immensely powerful health benefits.

It is extraordinarily amazing what green tea can do for your health. And if you're not drinking 3 to 4 cups of green tea today you're definitely NOT doing your health a big favor.

Here Are The 25 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Green Tea Right Now:

Happy Deepavali

Happy Deepavali!


So 5th of November is Deepavali and it is on a Friday. That makes this weekend a super week end, which also means it is a super peak period. Since Cameron Highlands is now so popular many visitors  just clamour for more of it when holiday comes!


I know many of you are eyeing this date and I have some people asking me whether Simpang Pulai way is better or Tapah way is better to go up during this super weekend and then they get worried about the very winding zig-zag road of Tapah when I advise the best route to visit Cameron Highlands is to use the Tapah Road.


Well, if you leave early in the morning, you probably can use the easier to drive Simpang Pulai road, and probably won't get stuck in any massive traffic jam just yet as the Brinchang Night Market is not yet set up and many visitors have not arrived and are probably still planning their trip, packing their luggage or just lazing around taking their sweet time to prepare for the journey to Cameron Highlands.


But if you are driving in the AFTERNOON, forget it! Listen to me very carefully, DON'T USE THE SIMPANG PULAI WAY! Did that grab your attention or do I have to repeat it?


The reason? The main culprit is the Brinchang Night Market, but the other Cameron Highlands attractions like Multicrop, Kea Farm and several other nurseries also contribute to the massive traffic jam stemming all the way from Kampung Raja.


If you think Cameron Highlands is too cold and would like to keep your car seat warm for the next four hours you are welcome to take the "easier to drive" Simpang Pulai route.


I have friends and family suffering the same fate when they don't listen to me. I used the Tapah route, took my sweet time to drive through the dense jungle and zig-zag road, made a stop at Lakehouse, Bharat Tea Plantation and even drop by the Kedai Runcit because we forgot some groceries and then check in the apartment in Cameron Highlands. Guest what? They were still stucked somewhere after Tringkap when we asked them where are they?


Still want to use Simpang Pulai way during this super weekend super peak holiday season? Be my guest!



Happy Deepavali

Happy Deepavali!


So 5th of November is Deepavali and it is on a Friday. That makes this weekend a super week end, which also means it is a super peak period. Since Cameron Highlands is now so popular many visitors  just clamour for more of it when holiday comes!


I know many of you are eyeing this date and I have some people asking me whether Simpang Pulai way is better or Tapah way is better to go up during this super weekend and then they get worried about the very winding zig-zag road of Tapah when I advise the best route to visit Cameron Highlands is to use the Tapah Road.


Well, if you leave early in the morning, you probably can use the easier to drive Simpang Pulai road, and probably won't get stuck in any massive traffic jam just yet as the Brinchang Night Market is not yet set up and many visitors have not arrived and are probably still planning their trip, packing their luggage or just lazing around taking their sweet time to prepare for the journey to Cameron Highlands.


But if you are driving in the AFTERNOON, forget it! Listen to me very carefully, DON'T USE THE SIMPANG PULAI WAY! Did that grab your attention or do I have to repeat it?


The reason? The main culprit is the Brinchang Night Market, but the other Cameron Highlands attractions like Multicrop, Kea Farm and several other nurseries also contribute to the massive traffic jam stemming all the way from Kampung Raja.


If you think Cameron Highlands is too cold and would like to keep your car seat warm for the next four hours you are welcome to take the "easier to drive" Simpang Pulai route.


I have friends and family suffering the same fate when they don't listen to me. I used the Tapah route, took my sweet time to drive through the dense jungle and zig-zag road, made a stop at Lakehouse, Bharat Tea Plantation and even drop by the Kedai Runcit because we forgot some groceries and then check in the apartment in Cameron Highlands. Guest what? They were still stucked somewhere after Tringkap when we asked them where are they?


Still want to use Simpang Pulai way during this super weekend super peak holiday season? Be my guest!



Exploring further after breakfast

I had a good night's sleep at Natasya resort although last night I thought it wouldn't get a chance to try out the room, but it was sorted out eventually.

The day started with beautiful sunny blue skies, perfect for taking picture of Cameron Highlands and documenting the various location I have in mind.

Woke up pretty hungry, and decided not to head out to Brinchang or Tanah Rata for breakfast. Looking around Kea Farm there seemed to be not much choice for meals around here. Well i'm too hungry to go hunt for some grub, so either I eat in Hotel Equatorial which likely will be expensive or try out that little Indian Mamak restaurant called Sri Shan Curry House.

The choice is obvious and Sri Shan Curry House it is! Just a simple Malaysian favourite food, the roti chanai with eggs which we call roti telur for short and wash down a cup of local strong coffee.

Ahhh...! Should hit the spot and perk me up for the rest of the day!

Exploring further after breakfast

I had a good night's sleep at Natasya resort although last night I thought it wouldn't get a chance to try out the room, but it was sorted out eventually.

The day started with beautiful sunny blue skies, perfect for taking picture of Cameron Highlands and documenting the various location I have in mind.

Woke up pretty hungry, and decided not to head out to Brinchang or Tanah Rata for breakfast. Looking around Kea Farm there seemed to be not much choice for meals around here. Well i'm too hungry to go hunt for some grub, so either I eat in Hotel Equatorial which likely will be expensive or try out that little Indian Mamak restaurant called Sri Shan Curry House.

The choice is obvious and Sri Shan Curry House it is! Just a simple Malaysian favourite food, the roti chanai with eggs which we call roti telur for short and wash down a cup of local strong coffee.

Ahhh...! Should hit the spot and perk me up for the rest of the day!

Cameron Highlands' Weather is Cold

It seems it has not rained for a week and my arrival has brought along the rain as well. So the Cameron Highlands weather is indeed cold! My Casio watch is registering a temperature of 22 degrees Centigrade and is getting colder here at Natasya Resort as the night moves on.

I be going to slumber soon as a I had a tiring day

cameron highlands notes

Decided to do a quikie drop in to Cameron Highlands. My last visit was about six months ago. Then a healthy cheerful baby boy came into this brave new world and I was a tad busy to update anything about Camerons in a major way.

So if I got the chance to pop in even for one night then do so!

It's been five years ago since I started my travel website about Cameron Highlands and it has grown a lot with lots of good content. It can still reach greater heights just need to find time to do it.

This time round was to meet up with old friends and make new friends and look up both new and old places and see what are the changes in Cameron Highlands. Even for such a small place I still got so many things to write about. It simply dynamic place, a never ending growth and renewal.

And if things work out, I may even get to do a new project with that famous rail service. Not letting the cat out of the bag just yet! Once it falls through you will know.

For now is time to update the ever growing, ever popular website Cameron Highlands Destination about what else? Good ol' Cameron Highlands.

And yes, Karen, your fingers are tired clickaty clakaty replying all the inquiries! But it is good, yes?

cameron highlands notes

Decided to do a quikie drop in to Cameron Highlands. My last visit was about six months ago. Then a healthy cheerful baby boy came into this brave new world and I was a tad busy to update anything about Camerons in a major way.

So if I got the chance to pop in even for one night then do so!

It's been five years ago since I started my travel website about Cameron Highlands and it has grown a lot with lots of good content. It can still reach greater heights just need to find time to do it.

This time round was to meet up with old friends and make new friends and look up both new and old places and see what are the changes in Cameron Highlands. Even for such a small place I still got so many things to write about. It simply dynamic place, a never ending growth and renewal.

And if things work out, I may even get to do a new project with that famous rail service. Not letting the cat out of the bag just yet! Once it falls through you will know.

For now is time to update the ever growing, ever popular website Cameron Highlands Destination about what else? Good ol' Cameron Highlands.

And yes, Karen, your fingers are tired clickaty clakaty replying all the inquiries! But it is good, yes?

Happy Mid Autumn Festival

Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Today is fifteenth on the Chinese Lunar Calendar. This is when the Chinese celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival with lanterns at night and of course eating mooncakes and such. Just yesterday met up with a client and said today was a big holiday and they would be having an off day and I was scratching my head when I checked the regular calendar and there wasn't a public holiday in Malaysia till he mentioned the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Well not all Chinese celebrate it especially if our Chinese tradition is not well grounded during our school years.


Typically in Malaysia we seem to have two sets of Chinese, one that is brought up with the Chinese tradition and customs and follows them and another group like me who tended to follow the Western culture as our parents were English educated during the British colonial rule and thus the Chinese tradition and customs are less grounded in our background. For us, we seldom follow the Chinese holidays too much except the main ones like Chinese New Year. Others are more like a passing note and celebrated because of media blitz that reminds us of such activities are being done.


My wife side on the other, my mother-in-law is rather more traditional and she would follow the various Chinese celebration based on the Lunar calendar including the birthdays based on the Chinese Lunar calendar! So twice a year they will celebrate their birthday, one for the Western based calendar and one for the Chinese Lunar calendar!

Natasya Resort Cameron Highlands

Looks like another new Cameron Highlands apartment accommodation just sprung up out of no where. With the many construction and projects coming up you never know what is coming. The new Natasya Resort Cameron Highlands is located in Kea Farm next to Hotel Equatorial. It boast many facilities and amenities much like a regular hotel. Judging from the price tag, it doesn't look cheap. Then again most apartments in Cameron Highlands aren't cheap anyway, but when you figure in the number of persons such as your entire family clan, the cost per person goes down significantly. And more so if you all share the cost of the accommodation.

Rates as shown on their website:
Include breakfast:
Normal Rate
Weekdays = MYR 310 nett / MYR 480 nett (peak rate)
Weekend = MYR 380 nett / MYR 480 nett (peak rate)

Exclude breakfast:
Normal Rate
Weekdays = MYR 250 nett / MYR 420 nett (Peak Rate)
Weekend = MYR 320 nett / MYR 420 nett (Peak Rate)

Will have to check this place next time I up at Cameron Highlands.


[update 30/oct/2010]
Got a good night sleep here! Check out my review of Natasya Resort Cameron Highlands! Leave a comment about Natasya Resort if you have stayed here or viewed the room.

Ref: natasyaresort.com

SOLVED! The Mysterious Disappearance of Jim Thompson

Here are some books by Edward Roy DeSouza who claim he has solved the mysterious disappearance of Jim Thompson, the legendary Thai Silk King. This is the second edition to the earlier book of the same name that he wrote highlighting the possibility of might have caused Jim Thompson to disappear in jungles of Cameron Highlands. Perhaps History Channel should make a documentary of this famous figure of Cameron Highlands. After all they did discuss about the communist insurgency in Malaya during the Malayan Emergency period and they show cased about the VAT 69 as well as the Al Mauniah arms heist. So why not Jim Thompson too?

Anyway, if you are curious about what Edward Roy DeSouza has to say about Jim Thompson disappearance you could grab any of his books sold in Amazon. Couldn't find his book in MPH, Borders or Popular in Malaysia. So looks like you just have ship it over from Amazon if you are at all curious about this book: SOLVED! The Mysterious Disappearance of Jim Thompson, the Legendary Thai Silk King (2nd Edition).


1st Edition

2nd Edition

Cameron Highlands Really Crowded!

My dad gave me a text. Cameron Highlands was very crowded with many people and cars. Most likely due to extended Hari Raya and Malaysia day holidays. He will be back soon next few days, I'm sure he will be able to squeeze through the crowds and enjoy some greenery time and cool weather up at Cameron Highlands.

The weather in the lowlands were pretty wonky with hot sun on one day and super duper heavy rain the next day. This morning woke up to a super duper downpour. Fortunately it died down sufficiently for me to get to my car to go to work on time. Traffic was so-so. I guess many are still on leave. Expecting mad rush hour traffic when next week starts with school holidays over. Now office also rather quiet except that I was having some outage with my Bluehost account for several hours. Now it is back up again finally!

Ah! Still got many more pages to update and feeling a little lethargic!

My Parents is at Heritage Hotel Cameron Highlands

My parents is having a gala time up at Heritage Hotel Cameron Highlands. They want to use up their balance leftover Heritage Vacation Club points before it expires. Wish I could go, unfortunately due to work and family commitment I have to give this a pass.

They plan to try the Heritage Hotel new wing but the new wing is not listed under the bookable rooms for Heritage Vacation Club members. Nevertheless they will try to talk with the manager in charge and see if they got chance to give it a try. If so, perhaps I might just get some photos of the new wing and the rooms too!

Chinese Homestay in Cameron Highlands

My uncle went for a Chinese Homestay in Cameron Highlands. It is a farm located in Kea Farm. Interesting. Usually homestays in Malaysia are in Malay house. So this is something new to me. Perhaps the Malaysia homestay program is just helping the Malay home owners mostly for their side income and I wonder if they also do help out with the Chinese Homestay who would like to participate in this kind of homestay program. It would be great if the government helped the less abled Chinese community too and that would definitely boost the 1 Malaysia concept of Malaysia first rather than just talking rhetoric.

Anyway my uncle had a great time on this alternative form of Cameron Highlands accommodation so if you would be interested to give this homestay accommodation a try you may contact this Chinese Homestay in Cameron Highlands.

Contact details:
"Ng Family"
MDCH 188 Kea Farm
39100 Brinchang, Cameron Highlands
Tel: +605-496 1240
Mobile: +6017-5192404

It seems they have a website, but my uncle has misplaced that info.
Anyway, there is still the phone contact above if you wish to check this homestay accommodation in Kea Farm.

More info about:
Homestay in Malaysia
Cameron Highlands Hotels and Accommodations

Malayan Emergency History Channel

just watched the Malayan Emergency documentary in the History Channel. Very informative 2 hour documentary about the tumoultous times when the communist wanted to take over Malaya by force. The Emegency period was from June 1948 to 1960. Also have a brief info about Roy Follows and the first fort, Fort Brooke in Cameron Highlands in which Roy was in charge. Good documentary!

More info about Roy Follows and Fort Brooke

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Kang Travel and Tours Job Opportunity

Hello! Looking for a job in Cameron Highlands?

Well here's some job opportunity for those who like to work in the highlands, Kang Travel is looking for drivers who have PSC License and Sales Operator for their office. If you think it would be interesting to work in Cameron Highlands, well you can give Kang Travel a call. Their telephone contact +60 (5) 4915828

So give a call and see if the vacancy is still available.



Kang Travel and Tours Job Opportunity

Hello! Looking for a job in Cameron Highlands?

Well here's some job opportunity for those who like to work in the highlands, Kang Travel is looking for drivers who have PSC License and Sales Operator for their office. If you think it would be interesting to work in Cameron Highlands, well you can give Kang Travel a call. Their telephone contact +60 (5) 4915828

So give a call and see if the vacancy is still available.



Just came back

my dad just came back from cameron highlands. he had great time there for the entire week and boought back some veggie and flowers too! they stay at heritage hotel and use up their vacation club points for it. they noted that heritage hotel got a splendid new wing and of course anything new means higher price. and there was bus loads of european tourist escaping the summer heat of europe. hmmm I would have thought they would prefer the sun sand and see. with the current ramadhan cameron highlands seems rather quiet. might be a good time for a visit before the mad rush, no?
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Equatorial Cameron Highlands EON Bank Promotion

Saw this Hotel Equatorial Cameron Highlands Hari Raya promotion on my brother's EON Bank credit card. So if you are looking for some cuti-cuti Malaysia promotion, you can look through the fine print and see if this offer is worth it. My brother was considering it but there are some terms and condition to be considered. Too bad my mobile camera makes such a lousy shot so can't really see the details. So I just have to decipher what best that I could squint out of the blurry info.

Hotel Equatorial Cameron Highlands Ramadhan Holiday Promotion via EON Credit Card

This is a Ramadhan Hari Raya Puasa Promotion for Equatorial Cameron Highlands for 3D2N Superior Room Package at RM140++ per person on twin sharing basis. That means it is RM322 nett for 3D2N for two person 3 nights 2 day stay. Plus you get 1 night Ramadhan complimentary meal but the term wasn't very clear whether it covers for the 2 person or one person so you just have to clarify with Equatorial Hotel about this.

This offer valid from 11 Aug to 3 Sep 2010 but not valid during Merdeka Day weekend of 28 to 30 Aug 2010. That's because it will be a super weekend (but you need to take one day off on Monday as most holiday goers will do to save on annual leave!)

Anyway I saw this promo with EON Bank Credit Card, not sure other credit cards will have similar offer or whether Hotel Equatorial Cameron Highlands may have their own other offer but this is what I can see at this moment. I don't have EON credit card, but then who knows you may own one and you might one to give this a try! But read the fine print first. There is always some terms and condition before such promo is applicable to you.

For me? Kinda busy around this time but hope to make it up to Cameron Highlands one day in this year again. Hotel Equatorial is not too bad having stayed there once several years ago.

Green Tea Polyphenols and Catechine

Came up this discussion about the downside of drinking too much Green Tea. Although drinking Green Tea Polyphenols and Catechine has the good benefit of anti-oxidants which helps to prevent cancer and fighting against free radicals. Drinking too much has side effects that are no good for the body.


Also to note that Catechine can be found in fruits and vegetables too.


In everything, there should be moderation. Neither too much nor too little. This world is in a state of equilibrium and so is your bodily function. Just like too much sugar is no good and too little is no good either.


Here is what they said if too much Polyphenols and Catechine is taken:

1. It will harm the liver and kidney: Liver is the main organ for our body to "detoxify" most chemicals, and kidney helps us to "release" partial wastes. Too much catechine would be toxic to liver and kidney and create burden to them.

2. It is hard to bowel: it slows down the bowel movement if too much/strong. However, strong tea can help people who have some diarrhoea issues. Try some concentrated pomegranate juice to help out this ailment. So it depend on each situation. When the wastes stay in the body for too long, it will become toxic. (This probably refers to black tea, coz strong Green Tea causes irritable bowel for me!)

3. Kidney stone.

4. Interacts with iron thus reducing the absorption, but if drank properly, it can be avoided.

(I wonder if it will affect the absorption of calcium too, since too much coffee would reduce the ability for calcium absorption.)


But I wonder how much is too much. I heard there are situations where they could get concentrated Green Tea to obtain the good antioxidant effects of Polyphenols and Catechine.


Anyhow, in just about anything moderation is key. We should neither abstain nor overly infuse ourselves with Green tea. Just like we should eat all kinds of vegetables to obtain the benefits of the bioflavonoid anti-oxidants and vegetable fibre and yet should not be completely vegetarian.  

Green Tea Polyphenols and Catechine

Came up this discussion about the downside of drinking too much Green Tea. Although drinking Green Tea Polyphenols and Catechine has the good benefit of anti-oxidants which helps to prevent cancer and fighting against free radicals. Drinking too much has side effects that are no good for the body.


Also to note that Catechine can be found in fruits and vegetables too.


In everything, there should be moderation. Neither too much nor too little. This world is in a state of equilibrium and so is your bodily function. Just like too much sugar is no good and too little is no good either.


Here is what they said if too much Polyphenols and Catechine is taken:

1. It will harm the liver and kidney: Liver is the main organ for our body to "detoxify" most chemicals, and kidney helps us to "release" partial wastes. Too much catechine would be toxic to liver and kidney and create burden to them.

2. It is hard to bowel: it slows down the bowel movement if too much/strong. However, strong tea can help people who have some diarrhoea issues. Try some concentrated pomegranate juice to help out this ailment. So it depend on each situation. When the wastes stay in the body for too long, it will become toxic. (This probably refers to black tea, coz strong Green Tea causes irritable bowel for me!)

3. Kidney stone.

4. Interacts with iron thus reducing the absorption, but if drank properly, it can be avoided.

(I wonder if it will affect the absorption of calcium too, since too much coffee would reduce the ability for calcium absorption.)


But I wonder how much is too much. I heard there are situations where they could get concentrated Green Tea to obtain the good antioxidant effects of Polyphenols and Catechine.


Anyhow, in just about anything moderation is key. We should neither abstain nor overly infuse ourselves with Green tea. Just like we should eat all kinds of vegetables to obtain the benefits of the bioflavonoid anti-oxidants and vegetable fibre and yet should not be completely vegetarian.  

Bertam Valley Road to Bentong

Received feedback from Alvin that he tried the new road from Bertam Valley to Bentong, Pahang / Kuala Lipis. I would have thought they would open the new road in August but looks like they have already open it. The road is still a little rough according to Alvin but he made it all the way to Bentong without any problem.

Excerpt from his comments as follows:

Interest route that you may like to know of. When I returned, I head to Pahang Bentong. Instead of going through the coming route, I took the road to Ringlet where I will head to Bertam Valley. This is a very very new road and it lead you to Raub and so on. This road comes with a very scenic view and farms, orang asli along the road side selling stuff. Oil plantation along Raub area. Few cars, of course due to new road, but interestingly is, it took me only about 2h45mins to reach Bentong town. One of the look out is don't drive too near to the road edge where I saw few road/land slides but they were already blocked it out. So relatively safe. I believed another 3 to 6 months time, the road will be 100% in operation. Highway nothing much to see but people who are adventurous can choose above path.

If it goes to Bentong, I think I can head all the way to Raub where my aunts are staying. Can take them to Cameron Highlands too without taking a big round from Batu Caves. Anyway that will be future trip planning to Cameron Highlands.

All quiet on the highlands front

To take the pun, "All quiet on the western front", well school holidays is over and most people is back to work so Cameron Highlands is having a little peace and quiet for now. Good for relaxing but not good for the people who are working the tourism industry in Cameron Highlands.

And yes, as for the Malaysia economy is not quite picking up as what the government says. That's propaganda for you. On paper or Malaysia news, they will say hey GDP is up and what's not and the fund allocation to spur the industry is spent and all that. Funny I get a different feedback from the people that I met.

Hari Ray Puasa is coming up but the food sales is not picking up as it should. My customer says that usually this time their sales will pick up for the food industry, so if they go down my sales go down.

My day job is varied and do meet interesting people from various industries. So the food industry is down, but other supporting industry is up. I get lots of inquiries for non-woven for various uses, and withing that sub-sub-category, there are sectors that up and sectors that are down. Still it is going well.

And as for the automotive, now that seems kinda slow. And I have customer that cry out for rescue coz protong is not picking up as it should be. Hmmm... can't really do much there. If raw material prices goes up but customer's customer not willing to let your price go up, soon they may end up in the red.

As for us lay people out in the market, working on this and that and trying to catch where the income comes so we can put food on the table, this is certainly mix signals in the market. Anyway, hopefully tourism do pickup as my buddies in Cameron Highlands and my website is depended on such arrivals to do well.

July look set to be slow. Also noted there isn't any public holiday to spur travel vacation domestically. Ah, Malaysian holidays are based on various ethnic calendars so it will never fall on the same date every year. You get bunches with months that have many public holidays and some like dessert waiting for rain.

I myself have been kept busy and trying to find the free time to update my website. Still got pages to add. Maybe the world cup is making the economy slow down. Productivity do goes down when people don't get enough sleep from watching some people kicking a ball around in a field. But that's the passion, and where there is passion that's where your heart lies.

I guess I rambling aimlessly here so better sign off till I have something better to blog about, especially information about Cameron Highlands which is what you guys are looking for, ain't it?

Hari Raya Puasa Malaysia holidays Coming Up

It is kinda early to blog about Hari Raya Puasa but this is one big Malaysia holidays festival. The other biggie is the Chinese New Year holidays. These two Malaysia holidays have to really watch out when you are planning for a trip to Cameron Highlands. If you are self drive you can have some measure of control over your transportation. But if you are without your own car and have to rely on public transportation like bus and coaches, then you have better think twice about your holiday planning that will clash with the above Malaysia holidays.

Hari Raya Puasa stalls selling delicious Malaysia food for breaking fast

I received a comment from a tourist in India who was planning to travel to Cameron Highlands on the eve of Hari Raya Puasa. Definately the bus and coaches would be fully booked if there was no prior arrangement made for a bus ticket booking.

He could try Kang Tours and Travel which run a private minivan service, but then again if their driver go on leave during that time (who knows? He may want to balik kampong!) then their minivan service would be disrupted too.

So the best is to avoid going during this period since logistic would be a big problem. Especially when almost the whole of Malaysia would be on the move. Hey, not just the Malays go balik kampong, the Chinese and Indians and various others would take the opportunity to do so too!

If he can, he should try to change his flight ticket and his hotel in Cameron Highlands booking to another period and avoid the clash with Malaysia holidays festival. Of course he is welcome to join in the mad rush fun!

Hari Raya Puasa is on 10 and 11 Sep 2010 (Friday and Saturday)

Kuala Lumpur becomes deserted during big Malaysia holidays festivals!

Sunny days again

Car wash in Bandar Utama

Although I spoke of monsoon. Such south-west monsoon weather in Malaysia are not long lasting.

And today it is back to hot weather in the lowlands. Good for a car wash though. May as well clean up the car.

Funny, I always experience rain after a car wash. And some my friends and family says the same thing. Must be something to do with Murphy's Law!

Wet weather in Malaysia

Rainy days are here again

Is getting cloudy and rainy lately. I guess wet weather in Malaysia and Cameron Highlands is to be expected. It is now the middle of the south-west Sumatran monsoon season and the rain moisture that got pass Sumatra will now be releasing the moisture laden atmosphere onto the Malaysian west coast.

And when it hits the cool mountain range like the Titiwangsa range it will precipitate. So you just might experience a cold wet weather in Cameron Highlands not just the lowlands in Malaysia!

4 ways to go Cameron Highlands

I found out that there are four ways to go Cameron Highlands. Well almost 4 ways, as the latest route is still under construction. I learned it from Kang Travels the last I was up, and some weeks ago it was reported in the newspaper. So in future you can take your pick on how to travel to Cameron Highlands or even make your connection to another holiday travel destinations from those routes!

These are the routes:
1. From Tapah via North-South Expressway
2. From Simpang Pulai via North-South Expressway
3. From Gua Musang
4. From Kuala Lipis which connects to Bertam Valley

PLUS NKVE highway to Cameron Highlands

The last on the list is still under construction and should be completed by August 2010. Now the east coast people will have an easier route to travel to Cameron Highlands rather than take one big round via Karak Highway to Batu Caves then from there to North-South Expressway and take either Tapah or Simpang Pulai entry!

Now may be a good time

Boh tea plantation

School holidays is over, traffic in the cities is back to a crawl with rush hour traffic a chore to grind through everyday. Well for those who traded one congestion of the cities to the congestion of Cameron Highlands resort, just too bad. I know, I know, your children cannot take time off from their school studies and you just have to schedule some cuti-cuti Malaysia during the school break, so happened everybody thinks the same and what have you? Voila! Traffic nightmare in the highlands. It can't be helped, the roads are narrow and can't be widened anymore to accommodate the tourist.

But wait! How about those of you who don't have a full nest or even those whose children has grown and left the nest? Yes, DINKS, and retirees, this will be the best time to head on over to Cameron Highlands for a REAL relaxing break. No maddening crowd. Perhaps just the two of you, have yourself a romantic dinner, hmmm, a romantic getaway vacation sounds just enticing, don't you think?

Now this would really be great!

Cameron Highlands Blog

Decided to change the Cameron Highlands blog look and feel a little bit. Well actually I was using the old HTML style, but would like to use the new Blogger layout to use those new features. Oh, well since I'm a one leg kick kinda guy, creating this Cameron Highlands travel website writing content, researching and photography, and of course doing web hosting maintenance and design and who knows what!

4x4 off road ride in Cameron Highlands passing by vegetable farms

Fortunately I know how to do it and have learned quite a fair bit ever since starting out on my Cameron-Highland-Destination.com website adventure. It has been a great long 5 years (how time flies!) and I have just renewed my expensive but very good SBI package. And yes, it has been growing steadily and I should believe it is one of the best website about Cameron Highlands judging from the heaps of compliments that I receive from my comments section. Drop me a line would ya?

Meanwhile, it is back to hacking my Cameron Highlands website, so I'll be kinda slow in the article writing department. Not withstanding my first baby was also born so looks like I'm going to be super busy!

Worker Shortage In Cameron Highlands

Seems like worker shortages might spell the end of Cameron Highlands. I hope the government will lift the ban coz this is not good for the Cameron Highlands tourism industry, the tea industry, the nurseries, vegetable farms, and all round causes a bad name for Malaysia. If government is sincere about their efforts to promote tourism Malaysia, they need to look into the manpower problem.

Sure there may be unemployed locals, but are they willing to take up the vacancy? Agriculture is not for everyone, you got a green thumb? But that is not the same. Doing gardening work and actually keep an acre of vegetable growing well without weeds and insects wrecking havoc is not everyone's cup of tea.

There may be vacancies available in Malaysia, but those types of job aren't just suitable for locals. It could be because of social status, like, "die from hunger also don't want to do because how will I face my family/relatives/neighbour/blah blah blah" you know that kind of thing. If you ask me, yep there are certain kind of jobs I wouldn't want to do either. And so it is that we will have labour shortage in certain job sectors, and over supply of employees in other industry because it looks great, hip even and glamorous, because everybody wants to do it. IT seems to be one of them. And when you have oversupply, the pay gets depressed. Grads pay are still the same since the last ten years, but inflation has eroded the disposable income.

Let's hope the government will come to its senses unless they need a stand off just like the sugar, flour licensing issue just so to wake them up to do something positive about it!

School Holidays

How time flies! It is already pass the middle of school holidays. Days are hot and sometimes it rains. Cameron Highlands is no different when it comes to kooky weather. The world climate is topsy-turvy and so is Cameron Highlands. So take your chances and see if the weather in Cameron Highlands is cool or just plain balmy like the English weather. Then you can go for a dainty afternoon tea and scones top up with Devonshire cream and go a bit English.

With World Cup going on, might be nice to hole up in some bistro that has World Cup feature in their nightly watering hole. Perhaps the Jungle Bar at Kang's Travelodge? Or Father's Guesthouse video room? Twinpines perhaps? Or go all snobby and try out YTL Cameron Highlands Resort?

I'll catch the World Cup finals later. Too many things to do. Still have to slog it out at work. But I like the school term break rush hour traffic. It's not as bad and I can get to work several minutes ahead than non-school holiday traffic. Just one of those little silver linings in life to be thankful for!

Budget accommodation

Sometimes people ask where is the cheapest accommodation to stay in Cameron Highlands? Well be careful what you ask for! Because the cheapest accommodation is not necessary where you want to stay! This cheap lodging goes for about RM10-RM15 per night per person. And they are usually dormitory style or room share style.

This type of accommodation is for those backpackers who are traveling on a shoestring. Usually students are just fresh out of college or university and decided to see the world before settling down to find a job, get married and raise a family. Very different from us Asians who normally after graduating would be all raring to go find a job and start earning an income! After all, graduates have just burned a big hole in their parents pocket and to ask for some more pocket money to go traipsing round the world? You got to be joking!

Anyway, for those who are adventure hungry and don't mind roughing it out, budget accommodation like this are just perfect! Easy on the pockets, but a little rough on the luxury part! Hey, that's the spirit of adventure!

So where are the cheap hotels accommodation of this sort in Cameron Highlands? There are four that I know off, namely: Kang Travels, Father's Guesthouse, Twinpines/KRS, and Cameronian Inn.

Coach Bus Transportation

An interesting conversation with Gerard. When a guest enquired on which bus coach service to take, Gerard replied, “You pay more for the bus service that breaks down the least often.”

Intriguing. The cheaper the coach bus service, the more prone the bus you're planning to take will breakdown. And if you have a connecting flight to catch, you are in big trouble!

Murphy's Law also plays a part here too!

When related an incident, one group who booked a coach bus service in the morning to travel from Cameron Highlands to Penang, the morning bus broke down. So the bus company relegated them to the next coming bus on schedule. And what do you know? That second bus broke down too on the way up to Cameron Highlands!

That's why I prefer to drive, you can go anywhere easily like this Raub town!

So what the bus company did was to place them on the normal public bus service to take them down to Tapah where they can catch another bus coach to Penang. And that public bus too broke down, and have to wait for the next public bus service.

All in all, it took them some more than 12 hours to reach their travel destinations!

There's a lesson to be learned here. Cheap is not necessary good.

And the conclusion, go for Kang Minivan service. Best all rounder!

Jamu from Rafflesia Flower

Interesting how this traditional medicine ‘jamu’ using Rafflesia flower azlanii bud for reducing weight, to shrink uterus after giving birth and for supposedly sexual strength for men. The UKM study found out that it works in a way but there is a unfortunately cost to using this Rafflesia flower bud, it damages the liver and spleen.

This highlight shows that using ‘jamu ‘ made using Rafflesia flower bud is not safe for consumption. When they fed it to the mice subjects, they did find the size of the mice decreased, which you meant if you want to lose weight it works, but at a cost of damaging your liver and spleen which also decreased in size despite the fact the liver was able to detoxify the body from the harmful substance.

Perhaps this warning should help to preserve the Rafflesia flower plant from being harvested (and sold for about RM9 to RM25 depending on the size), AFAIK, which is an endangered species. Perhaps the Rafflesia plant azlanii specie is not so endangered? Well I’m no botanist, but I do know there are many traditional medicine be it Chinese, Malay, Indian or Western, all must be studied carefully before simply consuming them. You never know the active ingredient may have some other undesired side effect.

Like recently I just learned that Ginseng does boost your blood circulation and metabolism (they managed to isolate the active ingredient during their research) but is not good to be consumed during childbearing because it dilates the blood vessel and would cause excessive bleeding during delivery.

My dad also advises me not to mix Western medicine with traditional Chinese herbs and medicine as it might cause undesired effect or it might cancel out each other’s potency.

Anyway as far as Rafflesia flower plant is concerned, I just want to view the largest flower in the world and not so much about taking it as a traditional medicine.

Some facts about Rafflesia flower plant

Wesak Day coming up

Wesak day coming this 28th May. Will be a super long Malaysia holiday weekend . Quick checking, Singapore also got Vesak day holiday on 28th May, so make that a double super long Malaysia Singapore holiday weekend!

And the verdict? A super traffic scrunch in good old ever popular Cameron Highlands resort holiday getaway travel destination!

Better plan for another time unless you absolutely must go (well, fed up of the heat wave, must see greenery, and the children must go somewhere... etc). Must go, must go, but well, make your wise decision, there are many other tourism Malaysia travel destination that you can go.

If not, join the scrunch in Cameron Highlands.
Have some patience and courtesy and goodwill to your fellow holiday makers!

School Holidays in June

School term break, Malaysia holidays and Singapore holidays coming up! Cuti-cuti Malaysia, yes? Hey, do watch out for holiday scrunch in Cameron Highlands and if at all possible don't come up during the weekend. You might regret it from the traffic congestion! Cameron Highlands is very popular getaway travel destination so plan wisely!

Malaysia School Holidays 2010
Second mid-term break from 5th June to 20th June

Singapore School Holidays 2010
Semester 1 Term 2 from 29th May to 27th June

Plan well and avoid the traffic jam nightmare in Cameron Highlands!


Related post:
Malaysia Holidays and school term breaks 2010

Starbucks Summer Tasting Special

Old town white coffee, ok, ok, so this is not Starbucks but I need my coffee fix!

Starbucks in Cameron Highlands is part of the Summer Tasting Special promotion amongst the Starbucks Malaysia chain of Starbucks coffee shops. Check out the list and see if you can get some free coffee on that day on the 27th May 7.30pm. Since I not there in CH, I won't get to try it up there, but I still can try them coz there is one near my house in Petaling Jaya!

Check out the list of Starbucks coffee shop location for the Summer Coffee Tasting event!


How to use this Cameron Highlands website

Basically I have tried to compartmentalise the information and article reviews into section. Of course sometimes the ideas do overlap so it might end up here and there, but basically I have placed them into several general groups:

Tourist Attractions
Getting There

Dark sky, sign of rain

And from there, there are sub-groups and sub headings, so in the end it gets kinda messy. Hopefully you will be able to access each of the information quickly without throwing up your hands in exasperation and head towards the comment section and throw me an email. Hey, I'm kinda busy and if the question is inane I probably won't entertain. After all the information is in the website somewhere.

Use the site search, it might just turn up some gems lodged deep within the site. And yes, it is growing day by day, and getting bigger! The information lie therein might serve you well for planning your trip to Cameron Highlands!

Cameron Highlands Blog on the go!

Blog anywhere! Have laptop will travel

I'm going to give this blogging on the go for Cameron Highlands Destination website. Quick short post from my mobile phone giving short insightful comments. Or even use it for quick notes while I'm at Cameron Highlands for my later posting of proper articles about our favourite Malaysian highlands escaped holiday travel destination getaway! Yey.

Black tea for diabetics

Interesting. Black tea has another plus point for treating diabetes. It seems the researchers at Tianjin Key Laboratory in China found the polysaccharides (a kind of carbohydrate) in black tea helps inhibit the absorbtion of glucose. They also studied the other teas, green tea, oolong tea. All three have polysaccharides but the black tea inhibition ability is the best.

So drink up more black teas! And yes the tea varieties in Cameron Highlands are of course black tea.


Trip to Cameron Highlands

It’s been awhile since I posted anything on my main Cameron Highlands Destination website. Time to get more info about Cameron Highlands. So tomorrow after I’ve done all my work, I’ll be off to good old CH for some updated info. I’m going alone this time coz my wife is expecting and not so good to come along. Beside, I’ll be going for some jungle trekking and hopefully the whether is good and can get to see the famous Rafflesia flower.

Here’s looking forward for a trip to Cameron Highlands!

Malaysia Holidays School Term Break

Watch out! The Malaysia holidays school term break will start from 13th March to 21st March. And for a double whammy, the Singapore holidays school term semester break also falls on the same date. As you know, Malaysians and Singaporean simply loves to go Cameron Highlands for a getaway vacation. Because it is cool, a chance to get away from the blistering dry spell and hot weather lately, so a good cool weather in Cameron Highlands is just the antidote for hot humid weather Malaysia.

But the double school term break will lead to the infamous traffic jam in Cameron Highlands. Already I see many comments in my Facebook fan page with the denizens of Cameron Highlands bracing for traffic crunch and welcome all to all holidays makers to Cameron Highlands for some traffic mayhem!

So plan your holiday getaway carefully and see if you can avoid the weekends and aim for the middle of week. That means taking your precious annual leave from work to have a holiday together with your beloved family.

And if you don't want to join the maddening crowd, then head out elsewhere. Don't know where to go? Try the MATTA Fair 2010 in PWTC Kuala Lumpur starting from 12-14 March, 10am - 9pm. And if you still can't find where you want to go, then Cameron Highlands beckons you!

Happy holidays!

Cameron Highlands Current Weather

This hot weather in Malaysia is getting unbearable. Wish I got a chance to head out to the hills. Of course no choice gotta work to pay bills and save for the future. Recently the newspaper highlighted the hot weather situation in Malaysia. A quick check with the Meteorological website and found out that the day time Cameron Highlands weather temperature is about 25°C.

However that is based on the weather instrument and if I remember my geography physical lessons, the thermometer is placed in a little shed. So that's probably the temperature of Cameron Highlands in a shed. If there is a hot sun shining, I think the temperature would be much higher.

The Petaling Jaya, Selangor temperature is about 32° C and Singapore is going on healthy roast of about 35°C! Still not as hot as the northern states of Malaysia with Alor Setar and Chuping measuring a scalding 37°C!

Wish it would rain more and help cool down the hot weather spell recently. Doing just about anything would result in heavy sweat! Sometimes just sitting around in the house would area produce sweat in my forehead and my shirt would be drench even from doing nothing!

Related post:
Cameron Highlands Weather
Hot Weather Malaysia
Malaysian Weather

MATTA Fair 2010

There will be a MATTA travel fair from 12th-14th March 2010 at the PWTC Kuala Lumpur. Perhaps for those who are looking for some special cuti-cuti Malaysia travel holiday packages, you might want to check it out and see if you can find anything for Cameron Highlands.

In previous MATTA Fair I did come across some promotion for hotels like Lakehouse Cameron Highlands. Perhaps they might have something for YTL Cameron Highlands Resort too! These are very posh-posh high class hotel resort accommodation that I still haven't got a chance to give it try coz it is so expensive to stay per night. Perhaps during the MATTA there might be some special discount, who knows.

The last time I was at Lakehouse Cameron Highlands they have a 3D/2N package going for RM1200. Not sure whether they will have better pricing if at all having a booth in MATTA Fair, but a cheaper package would be nice.

Otherwise you could browse around and see if there any other packages for other Malaysian highlands like Berjaya Hill Colmar Tropical packages or Genting Highlands packages.

You never know till you brave the crowds in PWTC and see if you can hunt down some interesting bargain.

What? -- MATTA Fair 2010
Where? -- PWTC Kuala Lumpur
When? -- 12th(Fri)-14th (Sun) March 2010


Sam Po Kong Temple in Brinchang

I haven't got a chance to blog about Sam Poh Kong Temple or the other places of worship although it was in the back of my mind for some time. One reader asked me where is the Buddhist temple in Cameron Highlands. There are many Buddhist temples around Cameron Highlands. Somehow Sam Poh Kong is the most popular and it is usually featured in the commercial Cameron Highlands map.

Anyway, how to go to Sam Poh Kong temple in Brinchang. From the direction of Tanah Rata heading to Brinchang. When arriving Brinchang, on the right there is the Hindu temple, and between the Hindu temple and Iris Hotel there is a road, turn right and enter it. The road is kinda narrow and passes by several more accommodations, hotels and living quarters. Just follow along it and you could arrive at the Sam Poh Kong temple.


Century Pines Hotel Tanah Rata

My brother-in-law finally checked in Century Pine Hotel in Tanah Rata. Now he is very particular about service, after all, he is also in the service industry. The Century Pines Hotel service leaves much to be desired. Apparently during this peak period they are rather short handed I suppose. Still so far I have heard many complaints about most of the hotel service in Cameron Highlands. I guess you just can't expect the service level of this hillside resort to be comparable with those hotels in Kuala Lumpur. Century Pines Resort hotel is considered to be about 3 to 4 stars. My wife quipped that if you really want good service go stay in YTL Cameron Highlands Resort. Haha! That would really burn a hole in your wallet! If you really want good service level you could try Lakehouse Cameron Highlands but that too is not cheap! Even if it is the expensive hotels I have seen people complaining about their service levels too.

Century Pines Hotel vs Heritage Hotel

The other day my brother asked, "Century Pines Hotel vs Heritage Hotel, which one better?"

My brother was trying to find a hotel in Tanah Rata and was deciding on one of the star rated hotels in Cameon Highlands. Heritage Hotel has been long established while Century Pines Hotel was refurbished. After staying in each hotel I liked Century Pines Hotel. I think in terms of star rating Heritage got 5 star while Century Pines Hotel got 4 star. I don't how the star rating system works or how they evaluate whether this hotel should be this many stars or that many stars. But when you stay there you like it then I should say the hotel in Cameron Highlands that you stayed is good.

So Century Pines Hotel vs Heritage Hotel which one is better?

I liked Century Pines Hotel especially its ground floor unit that opens up the garden. Good for children to run around and something green for the eyes to see. On top of that easy access to Tanah Rata main road where the main shops and restaurants are located. Ya lor, lazy to walk ma.

And of course if you are feeling less lazy, the Parit trail is just next to it by the river. Got Feng Shui, you got hills, you water, you got land, umm but I'm no Feng Shui master so probably don't know what I'm talking about.

As for Heritage Hotel which shares the compound with Greenhill Apartments, maybe they do too much development and so have less greenery around Heritage Hotel. However some of the rooms have very good view of Cameron Highlands surrounding.

The thing about carpeted rooms, they need to clean it often otherwise it will smell of mildew. So if you don't have blocked nose, you will smell it clearly. While the garden room of Century Pines Hotel they use tiles. Tiles may be easier to clean and no mildew smell problem but they are very cold for the feet if you don't wear your slippers or shoes while walking around the room. Malaysian style of walking around rooms is usually barefooted, so a cold tile is no fun, while the carpeted floor of Heritage Hotel would be nicer.

So in the end which of the above hotel in Tanah Rata town is better? Your choice. For me I would prefer Century Pines Hotel, but Heritage Hotel is also ok-lah!

Cameron Highlands is to relax

"So how far is it from KL to Cameron Highlands?" my boss asked.

"About three hours by car and an additional one hour or two by bus." I replied.

"What is there to do and see there?"

"Well, there is the tea plantation, vegetable farms and markets, countryside views."

After thinking awhile, he thought the time and effort to go over to Cameron Highlands may not be worth the effort. He was planning a trip to Cameron Highlands for the long holiday break during Chinese New Year.

Church Camp at Greenhills Apartment, Cameron HighlandsBut that's the whole point of gong to Cameron Highlands -- to relax, and enjoy the greenery especially that of the tea plantation and to take up simple activities while enjoying the cool weather. Of course for a more outgoing outdoor adventure activities, you could go for jungle trekking.

But I guess each person is entitled to their own viewpoints. Some people prefer going to Malaysia islands or beaches for their relaxing vacation getaways where they can feel and smell the salty sea breeze blowing by and the hot sun on their back and face (and getting sunburned in the process). And of course, having lived in the hot humid climate of Malaysia, heading to the Malaysia highlands to have some natural cool climate instead of the artificially created air-conditioned environment is a welcome change indeed.

To each his own paradise retreat. So your choice -- to Malaysia islands and beaches or to Malaysia highlands like Cameron Highlands?

Chinese New Year is just around the corner and vacation places do get pretty packed especially from 3rd day of CNY onwards when we Chinese after having visited all the family, relatives and friends it is time for some family outing! So choose your vacation travel destination and book your hotel and accommodation early to avoid disappointment!
